September 30, 2017
In Michigan there are about 27 billion trees and it seems like we have seen every single one of them this week! After a while they begin to look the same, even though we purposefully tried to avoid the same route back across the U.P. so we would not see the same trees twice. The cats are really adapting to the travel now. We put their blue blanky on our bed and they just travel there, we presume sleeping the entire time. We stopped today for lunch at the Iron County rest area just inside of Michigan on the Wisconsin border. A bonus of our bringing our refrigerator is when we can just pull over and have lunch.
Today we ended in Antigo, WI, at the Antigo Lake RV Park which is on, you guessed it, Antigo Lake. This is a nice little city park that is associated with the ball fields and playground in the middle of the town. Antigo is a about 8,300 people but has at least three grocery stores, a super-Walmart, Menards, Fleet Farm and a number of fast food chains. It must be that Antigo is not near anything larger and this is the center for many area.
Jason got the WeBoost cellular amplifier permanently installed now. No more threading the cable out through the slide when we park and pack up. This was a great place for testing it because we have poor signal in the park and the WeBoost is doing a great job at amplifying the signals to more than acceptable levels.
Tomorrow we make our final journey back from vacation to River Falls. We hope to find an open spot in Hoffman Park where we will spend at least part of the month now, if not all of it. Highland Ridge is also open through November 1 and that may also be a place we hang out until our November 1st departure for warmer areas in the south.