Tow Guard Replacement
Our tow guard was beginning to look pretty hideous and it wasn’t really doing its job, so it was time to replace the prominent “Newmar” badge with something more classy. Continue reading Tow Guard Replacement
Our tow guard was beginning to look pretty hideous and it wasn’t really doing its job, so it was time to replace the prominent “Newmar” badge with something more classy. Continue reading Tow Guard Replacement
We expand more on our opinion about Glacier National Park after having previously sparked some controversy on Instagram and Facebook with our post about being disappointed with Glacier National Park. Continue reading Wagons East! to Glacier National Park
We spent two weeks in the Seattle area during the Fourth of July 2021 and experienced all-time record heat recorded in the area. Continue reading Seattle, Rainier & Cascades
After Moab, we made the short trip up to the Provo and Salt Lake, Utah, area west of the mountain range. Continue reading Salt Lake City – Where’s the Lake?
We had not originally planned to stop in Moab this trip, but we thought it would be a shame if we would not have at least checked it out for a few days. Continue reading Moab – 2 More Badges!
We conquered two more Jeep Badge of Honor trails in Ouray, Colorado, the self-proclaimed Switzerland of America. Continue reading Switzerland of America – Ouray, Colorado
We now turn the motorhome Northwest and head toward our first off-roading adventure area in Colorado. Continue reading Oklahoma to Colorado
Now vaccinated we hope we are putting CoVID-19 in the rearview mirror and we head out on our summer travels. Our first destination is to meet up with family in Oklahoma. Continue reading Minnesota to Oklahoma
Our Progressive Dynamics 5200 ATS was no longer transferring reliably and it was time to replace it. Continue reading Automatic Transfer Switch Replacement
Replacing an A.O. Smith, model #F42E85A61 fan motor on a Penguin low profile air conditioning unit. Continue reading Penguin A/C Fan Motor Replacement