After leaving Winter Garden, Florida, we made it to Fair Play, South Carolina, later that same day with just over 500 miles total. We wanted to spend a few days on this side of the Smoky Mountains and Jason was able to take a few days from work for us to do so. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and it was rather rainy and cold with the nights down around freezing.
Carolina Landing Thousand Trails Resort
Using our membership with Thousand Trails we stayed “free” at the Carolina Landing Thousand Trails campground in the Southeast zone. This campground is NOT motorhome big rig friendly at all. Having a fifth wheel would be perfect in this campground since you need the up/down play of the landing jacks to adjust the unlevel sites. There were only a few sites we had any chance of fitting in length-wise and then any chance of leveling. We found site A31 at the top of the hill was flat and it is about 45′ long, so we got the motorhome on and level. The 50-amp sites were not feasible and this site was only a 30-amp site, which was a bit of an issue with trying to run two heat pumps since it was pretty cold at night here in March. The topography of the resort is that every site is like a terrace level up and down the hills.

Warwoman Wildlife Management Area
US Forest and other wildlife management area drives are fun and easy ways to get back off the beaten path into nature without the hike. In the case of this drive, it combined both as we got to the end and the final 500 feet was closed due to rain that had driven 3′ ruts in the road.

Blue Ridge Mountains