September 25, 2017
The house is sold and we are truly without a “home” now. But, wait we do have a home! If home is where “domestic affections are centered” then we have indeed moved to what is our home in a new 2017 Keystone Laredo 325RL 5th wheel trailer on August 1, 2017. We have been using our trailer in the drive way as we prepared for the sale of the property at 1742 County Rd N.

In the summer of 2016 we made the decision that the housing market was ready for us to sell and that after 20 years with the University Jason would leave state service for a remote work opportunity. In May 2017 Jason reached his 20-year state service mark at which many of the retirement benefits would be locked in (but not yet drawing as he is not old enough to do that) and it then was fiscally prudent for us to make a change. While that job seeking adventure alone took us on a variety of discoveries from California to North Carolina to Nebraska to Minnesota to Florida and back to Wisconsin we settled on the University’s counter-offer to of an 50/50 remote/on-site opportunity. Jason accepted that and will be working on defining that role there with management.
This brings us to “Our Next Chapter” where we are now in a “home” with wheels. We have flipped over the page in life from our stick home life chapter to that new chapter of nomadic life. A new life where we will explore the US while Jason is working, giving us a time to also explore our relationship with each other and with God. That started today in Michigan while we are on vacation celebrating our accomplishments. Jason will return to the office next week and over the course of October we plan to be in River Falls, with the expectation now to just head south in November.
Our cats Rico (the tabby) and Wheezy (the orange long-hair) will be along for the ride. They love to see a new view out the window each time. Of course a few penguins have also made it along on the adventure and Penge the pink penguin will likely be featured in several of our updates.