Overall our travel blog documents our travel, our experiences and is for the two of us to create a permanent record of this journey. The value you might take from this post will depend on your relationship with us. If you are family you may connect strongly with the events documented here. If you are a casual reader with an interest in the full-time RV lifestyle you should recognize the need to schedule downtime and family time in your schedule. This time is when your emotional batteries are recharged for the next segment where that contact will only be over a phone call or video if you can make that happen on both ends.
After our several months out west, we got back to Wisconsin and we parked for three months. We continue to use Barb’s family farm as our landing zone when we are in the area, which works out great for connecting with Barb’s mother while there. It is also just an hour to our daughter’s family and also to Jason’s family. Barb was able to stay several weeks with our daughter so she gets her “Oma” time in with our granddaughter, precious bonding time for when we later will only be available over video. We are only 15 minutes from Jason’s work at the university which requires him to be on campus to work on projects that require hands-on time, to prepare for the fall semester, and to connect with staff face to face.
Our stationary time here gives us an opportunity to work on some projects, to refresh the savings account from the expensive trip out west over the summer, and to prepare for being “gone” for another four to six-month period. It is important for us to connect with family and friends during this time because we will be south during Christmas, New Year, and even potentially Easter depending on how early it is and how late winter might hang on in Wisconsin.
It’s so wonderful to read about your adventures, Barb and Jason. I look forward to seeing you in the spring. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (2022).
It’s so wonderful to read about your adventures, Barb and Jason. I look forward to seeing you in the spring. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (2022).