M-I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter
Technically we were in Louisiana but explored Natchez Mississippi area while meeting up with new friends. Continue reading M-I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter
Technically we were in Louisiana but explored Natchez Mississippi area while meeting up with new friends. Continue reading M-I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter
After New Orleans we headed about two hours North on the western side of old great Mississippi river. Continue reading Sleepy Town
In just three days making our way from Wisconsin to New Orleans, starting the next segment of Our Next Chapter for the winter of 2018/2019. Continue reading NOLA
Jason fulfills his time for the year on-site at the university, we celebrate our 1st RVAnniversary and now we get out of dodge for the winter. Continue reading Happy RVnniversary
We found out that Wisconsin Dells is one of the worst places to live. All of the tourists are grumpy and sunburned overwhelming what is actually a pretty small town. Continue reading Cheese!!!!
Exactly how many carcasses have to be dumped in a spot to get a sign erected? Continue reading Stinky Water River
After getting altitude sickness in the Big Horn mountains we settle in at about 4000 feet in Ten Sleep, WY Continue reading We Get High as a Kite
We experience our first Harvest Host boondocking experience, recharge in a KOA and make our way to Deadwood where we experience our first (and possibly last) Xscapers Convergence. Continue reading Converging on South Dakota
We start moving again with a weekend away from River Falls Continue reading Back on the Road Again
More record weather follows us to Wisconsin Continue reading April Snow, Brings May Flowers?